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Citation Tools: UD Moodle & class materials

MLA Core Elements

MLA - Who is the author?

The author refers to the person or entity that created the source.  
Authors can include individual people writing books and articles, Film directors, government agencies, corporations, and many more.

List the author last name first:  Brown, Brene.  

If the person you are listing as the creator is someone other than an author, such as an editor or translator, include a label that indicates this.  

Example: Nunberg, Geoffrey, editor.

If the source was created by an organization, such as an institution, government agency, corporation, etc. list the name of the organization as the author.  

However, if the authoring organization is also the publisher, do not list it in the author spot.  Begin the entry with the source title and list the organization only in the publisher spot.  

What if there are multiple authors?

When a source has two authors, list them in the order in which their names appear in the work.  Only the first person will be listed last name first.  The second person's name should appear in normal order.  

Example:  Dorris, Michael, and Louise Erdrich

When a source has three or more authors, list only the first person's name (last name, first name), followed by et al (and others).  

Example: Brown, Peter C., et al.  

What if there is no author listed?

Do not list the author as Anonymous, rather simply skip the author element and begin the citation with the source title.  


The most important elements for citing class materials are the creator, title, date, and where you accessed them.  Very rarely will there be a publisher, unless the instructor is using another organization's materials.  If you access the material through a course management system like Moodle, make note of this as the location, and include the URL. 

MLA - Notes and Handouts

Lecture or Presentation:

Lecture or Presentation:

Name of instructor. "Name of Lecture/Powerpoint." Course. Date, College. Type of source.

*If you don't know the title of the lecture/powerpoint, just put Lecture or Powerpoint.


Canovan, Becky. "Why Citations are Important." RES104: Introduction to Research Writing. 30 Oct 2017, University of Dubuque. Powerpoint slides.