Name of case. Volume number, abbreviated name, and series number (if any), Page in volume on which case begins (Name of the court that rendered the opinion).
Canterbury v Spence, 464 F2d 772, 775 (DC Cir 1972).
US Supreme Court Case (AMA)
First party v second party, Reporter volume number, Official reporter abbreviation, First page of case, specific pages used (Year of decision).
Addington v Texas, 441 US 418, 426 (1979).
US Court of Appeals (AMA)
First party v second party, Reporter volume number, Official reporter abbreviation, First page of case, specific pages used (Deciding circuit court and year of decision).
Wilcox v United States, 387 F2d 60 (5th Cir 1967).
State Courts (AMA)
First party v second party, Reporter volume number, Official state reporter abbreviation, First page of case, specific page used, Regional reporter number (Year of decision).
People v Carpenter, 28 Ill2d 116, 190 NE2d 738 (1963).
US Federal Bills and Resolutions (AMA)
Name of bill, Abbreviated name of the House of Representatives (HR) or Senate (S), Number of bill, Number of legislative body, Session number if available, Section if any (Year of publication).
Medical Error Reduction Act of 2000, S 2038, 106th Cong, 2nd Sess (2000).