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Citation Tools: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, & Apps

Dictionaries (AMA)

  1. Author's name(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Name of publisher; year of copyright: Page numbers when cited.


  1. Stedman's medical dictionary. 28th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005: 1784. 

Encyclopedias (AMA)

  1. Author(s). Title of entry. In: Editors or authors. Title of encyclopedia. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year:page number.


  1. Wallace RJ Jr, Griffith DE. Antimycobacterial agents. In: Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, eds. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 16th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2005:946.

AccessMedicine Book Chapter (AMA)

  1. Author(s). Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC. eds. Title of book, edition. Publication location: Publisher; year. URL. Accessed date.


  1. LeBlond RF, Brown DD, DeGowin RL. Vital signs, anthropometric data, and pain. In: LeBlond RF, Brown DD, DeGowin RL. eds. DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination, 9e. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2009. 7. Accessed July 31, 2014.

ClinicalKey (AMA)

  1. Author(s). Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC. eds. Title of book, edition. Publication location: Publisher; year. URL. Accessed date.


  1. De Prisco G, Celinski S, Spack CW. Abdominal Abscesses and Gastrointestinal Fistulas. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ. eds. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016.!/content/book/3-s2.0-B9781455746927000284?scrollTo=%23hl0000371. Accessed July 2, 2016.

UpToDate Topic (AMA)

  1. Author(s). Title of topic. In: UpToDate, Editor AA (Ed), UpToDate, Publishing location. (Accessed on date.)


  1. Marion, DW. Diaphragmatic pacing. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (Accessed on November 25, 2013.)