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Chlapaty & Butler Fellows: Reading Scholarly Articles

Student Resources

Faculty Resources

MacMillan, M., & MacKenzie, A. (2012). Strategies for integrating information literacy and academic literacy: Helping undergraduate students make the most of scholarly articles. Library Management, 33(8/9), 525-535.

Fujimoto, Y., Hagel, P., Turner, P., Kattiyapornpong, U., & Zutshi, A. (2011). Helping University Students to "Read" Scholarly Journal Articles: The Benefits of a Structured and Collaborative Approach. Journal of University Teaching And Learning Practice, 8(3),

Parts of an article

For articles providing results of a study (such as in the sciences or social sciences), there is usually a standard format. Typical sections are described below. Some articles may differ slightly.

Critical Reading Strategies

This video will go over strategies for reading for scholarly articles. It will help you identify important sections when researching to help you read your articles efficiently!

Reading Scholarly Articles