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Chlapaty & Butler Fellows: Apex Poster Basics

Apex Poster Specifications & Template

*See the full Apex libguide for more information

- Posters must be no larger than 36” x 24” (excluding DNAS posters or posters from conferences with specific dimensions) 

- Must include a bibliography

- Must include student(s) names

- Must include course number and name

- Must include instructor(s) name

- Must include Apex and UD logos. 

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions are commonly asked by the audience:

  1. Tell me about your project.
  2. Did any of your findings/results/research surprise you? Why?
  3. Why did you pick this topic? What interests you about this topic?
  4. Tell me one thing you learned that is NOT on you poster.

Poster Visual Tips

- Align your text to the left to ensure that lines don't break in the middle of words.

- Use a standard, simple font such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial.

Use large font & make section headings bold and/or a bit larger.

Dark text on light background is best. It is easiest to read and uses less ink when printing.

- There are various PowerPoint templates available online for poster presentations, including a few at this Microsoft link (tip: search "conference poster" for templates. If you use a template you find online from another person or institution, include a small note about the template source.

- Find examples of Apex posters in Digital UD.

- There should be logical flow between sections. A standard arrangement is columns followed top to bottom and left to right. Try something like this:

Apex Example poster layout