*See the full Apex libguide for more information
- Posters must be no larger than 36” x 24” (excluding DNAS posters or posters from conferences with specific dimensions)
- Must include a bibliography
- Must include student(s) names
- Must include course number and name
- Must include instructor(s) name
- Must include Apex and UD logos.
These questions are commonly asked by the audience:
- Align your text to the left to ensure that lines don't break in the middle of words.
- Use a standard, simple font such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial.
- Use large font & make section headings bold and/or a bit larger.
- Dark text on light background is best. It is easiest to read and uses less ink when printing.
- There are various PowerPoint templates available online for poster presentations, including a few at this Microsoft link (tip: search "conference poster" for templates. If you use a template you find online from another person or institution, include a small note about the template source.
- Find examples of Apex posters in Digital UD.
- There should be logical flow between sections. A standard arrangement is columns followed top to bottom and left to right. Try something like this: