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COM660: Capstone Research Seminar: Search Strategies

Selected Theorists Used in Past Projects

Communication Area Theorists
Adult Learning


Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory Gudykunst
Crisis Communication

Coomb, Sagan, Benoit, Hearit

Dialogic Communication Buber
Fundraising  Burnett, Kelly
Gender and Communication


Intercultural Communication Hall, Hofstede
Leadership Bass, Kouzes & Posner, Bennis & Nanus, Northhouse
Leadership (Situational) Hersey & Blanchard
Leadership (Multidimensional) Chelladurai & Saleh
Organizational Culture Schein
Public Relations Grunig, Simons, Kent & Taylor
Persuasion Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca, Parks, Cialdini
Web Page Perception Singh, Dalal, Mishra, & Patil

Possible search terms for design

  • research methods
  • research methodology
  • research design
  • action research
  • qualitative research
  • research principles
  • research practice

Or search for the specific type of research design you're hoping to use.


Searching the catalog for online resources

Click the check box next to charles c. myers library to limit results to resources available through the UD Library. To view only online resources, click the check boxes for eBook and/or eVideo under Format in the left sidebar. Click "show more" if the desired format isn't visible.

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