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EVS247: Environmental Chemistry: Find Articles

Browsing all Library Databases

To the right are a few of the library databases specifically for the sciences. If you would like to explore other databases you can search our Databases by Title. The library has also organized the Databases by Subject, using this page you can look for the databases relating to Science, Technology, and Health

Finding an article full-text from a citation

  1. Determine what kind of source it is. Is it a book chapter? A journal article? 
  2. If it is a book, look in the catalog or WorldCat to see if we own it or if you need to Interlibrary Loan it.
  3. If it is an article, use the Journal List to search for the journal title to see which database it is in. If we don't own it, use Find It to request the title. If it's not in a database, use Interlibrary Loan to request the article.


Databases: Background Information

Databases: Environmental Science Specific