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SOC335: Social Research: Qualitative Research

Qualitative Keywords

Additional subject headings that will help you as well as how to find case studies are specific to each database.

Academic Search Premier

Qualitative Research is a subject term in this database. Try it, or any of the following narrower subject terms. 

  • conversation analysis
  • interviews
  • participant observation
  • case method
  • case studies
  • social sciences- fieldwork

To find case studies, you can limit to case studies in the advanced search option under "Document Type." You can also use either "case method" or "case studies" as a subject term.


Qualitative Research is a subject term in this database. Try it, or any of the following narrower subject terms. 

  • conversation analysis
  • interviews
  • participant observation
  • case method

To find case studies, you can limit to case studies in the advanced search option under "Document Type." You can also use "case method" as a subject term.


Qualitative Research is a subject term in this database. Try it, or any of the following narrower subject terms. 

  • data collection
  • empirical methods
  • experimental design
  • grounded theory
  • interviews

You can also use the limits under the advanced search to find qualitative research. Under methodology, try qualitative study, interview, or focus group.