Welcome to the University of Dubuque Archives Libguide. Here you will find helpful information pertaining to UD history, Presbyterian history, and Iowa history. If you have any questions about what our archives might hold or in need of general research aid from our archives feel free to reach us at archives@dbq.edu where someone will be able to assist you.
To Know:
-UD yearbooks (The Key) are all digitized on Digital UD, there are also print copies locked in the archives, and a complete run of print copies is shelved in reference, Call#: Ref LD 1731 .D7655 .
-Early school catalogs shelved in the publication aisle of archives by year have indexes with student names and hometowns in the back.
-UD news releases from 2011-current are here: http://www.dbq.edu/NewsandEvents/NewsArchive/#c:UD%20News
UD Online:
Digital UD: http://digitalud.dbq.edu/
UD and UDTS graduation photos from years without yearbooks: https://events.lifetouch.com/findphoto.aspx
UD Athletic Record Books: https://issuu.com/search?q=university%20of%20dubuque%20track
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/UDubuque/posts/?ref=page_internal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UDubuque
UD Alumni Association Event Photos: https://udalumni.smugmug.com/
Child of the Church:
Child of the Church gives a comprehensive history of the University of Dubuque.
You can find a copy located here: REF LD 1731 .D7652 S77 2008.
There is an index located in the front cover of the physical book as well as a digital index found here:
Campus Contacts (2020):
Alumni requests/events, donations: Katie Kraus (Director for Alumni Engagement; Campus Phone: 563.589.3161; kkraus@dbq.edu) and the Advancement Team -https://www.dbq.edu/GivingtoUD/AdvancementStaff/
Transcript Access: Registrar's Office - http://www.dbq.edu/Academics/Registrar/Staff/