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How Do I?: Request an Item via ILL/E-Delivery

Video and text directions to some of our FAQs

Requesting a Portion/Chapter of a Book (Scanned & Sent via ILL/E-Delivery)

You can also request a scanned chapter of a book to be sent to you via Interlibrary Loan/E-Delivery, instead of requesting the entirety of the book. Please Note: Due to copyright, up to 10% (30 page maximum) of a book may be scanned. Only 3 articles per journal issue may be scanned. The item must be owned by the Charles C. Myers Library in order for us to send you a scanned portion/chapter of a book. You can find out which items the library owns by searching the Library Catalog, which can be accessed via the Library Homepage, under 'Find Books and Media.'

Once you've searched for items in the library catalog, double check to make sure we own the item from which you'd like to receive a scanned portion/chapter. If the item states: Charles C. Myers Library (as indicated by the red box in the screenshot below) we own that item! Click on the title to access the item's record page for more information about that item. 

To request a portion/chapter of a book, it will be helpful to know the name/page numbers of the chapter you'd like to receive. A helpful place to look is the contents portion of the record page (as indicated by the red box in the screenshot below). For this example, I will use the chapter titled: The Land Ethic

This request will be processed similar to that of requested an article/book through interlibrary loan. You can access our interlibrary loan portal (ILLiad) via the Library Homepage. On the right-side of the page, under Additional Resources, click on Interlibrary Loan/E-Delivery. 

You'll sign into ILLiad using your UD username and password. 

To request a portion/chapter of a book, select 'Book Chapter' on the left-side, under "New Request." Fill out the information regarding the book you'd like a scanned chapter from - please note, some of the information is required (as indicated by the yellow boxes in the screen shot below). Feel free to add any notes to the note section of the form to provide more specific instruction. Please remember, that the more specific you are the easier it will be to provide this scanned material to you! After the form is filled out, click 'Submit.' The request will be sent to the library for processing and when the material is ready for you to access, you'll receive an email in your UD email account indicating you can sign back in to this portal and access the pages. 


Requesting scans of print books

Seminary tips for requesting scans of portions of a book


  • Because lexicons are organized alphabetically by entry in the language of origin, please identify in the Notes field of the ILL request form which word you are looking for.

Bible Dictionaries

  • Please note which entry/term you are looking for in the Notes field of the ILL request form.
  • If you can find a copy of the table of contents or index via Google to confirm there is an entry on your topic prior to requesting that would be helpful.
  • If we cannot easily determine which entry you are looking for, we may scan a portion of the index to confirm which entry prior to scanning, so please check your UD email frequently.


  • Be sure to check that the commentary series includes one on the book of the Bible you are researching. Not all commentary series are complete or include every book of the Bible.
  • Because commentaries are organized by book of the Bible, and then further by chapter and verse, please identify which book, chapter, and verses you are looking for in the Notes section of the ILL request form.