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Research process overview

Research Process The research process is generally made up of these key stages. Keep in mind, you may need to go back to certain stages multiple time, or you may approach them in a different way. Research is not always linear – figure out what works for you! Stage 1:  Topic Selection.  Exploring topic through background reading.  Narrowing topic. Forming research question Stage 2: Finding Sources. Come up with a list of keywords. Search article databases, the library catalog, and the internet. Gather sources that help answer your research question. Stage 3: Reading and Filtering. Read sources and take notes on important points. Look for patterns. Identify evidence that answers your research question. Keep track of where your evidence comes from.  Stage 4: Writing. Organize claims and evidence into outline. Form thesis statement – this is the answer to your research question. Write a draft. Use proper citation style. Stage 5: Editing and revising. Have someone else read a draft. Add additional evidence. Adjust argument structure. Check spelling, grammar, and citations. Turn it in!

Sample Annotated Bibliography

Library Session Slides

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Becky Canovan
Office: L200
Second floor near water fountain