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ENG104: Introduction to Research Writing: Finding Sources

Finding Books

Don't forget, you don't need to use the whole book. Want to use just a chapter? Let us scan it for you. Fill out this form and bring it and the book up to the front (circulation) desk and we'll scan it and email it to you.

UD Catalog

Enter term(s)

Advanced Search

Need a refresher on how to use the catalog? Check out this video.

Need help reading a call number? Check out this guide.

Finding Articles--General

Library search engines (databases) are a great place to find scholarly journal articles or other sources for your paper. Each search engine has a different flavor/subject area it covers. If the full text isn’t right there, click the Find It button. If we don’t have the article, you can request it from another library by clicking the “get this article or book chapter” link. (The turnaround time on this is usually about 2 days.)

Finding Articles--Humanities

The social sciences aren't the only subjects that get their own specialized library databases. Check out these search engines. Some of them will look different than the ones you've used before. It's ok. You can handle it. Just look for the search box. You know what to do from there.

Finding Articles--Social Sciences

So you've decided to venture beyond ASP and JSTOR? Congrats!! We promise these social science specific databases are just as easy to master! In fact most of them look exactly like ASP! Exciting, no? All of the search engines listed below are centered around a particular subject area. Pick the one that best fits your topic.

Finding Articles--Natural and Applied Sciences

You know the drill by now. Specialized databases really are the way to go. So get going!

In class activity

Now that you've done some searching, tell us how it went. What did you find, what worked well? What do you still have questions about? We'll do our best to reply to all the questions you still have.