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Intercultural Competence: Training/Education

Selected Articles

Anand, R., & Winters, M. (2008). A retrospective view of corporate diversity training from 1964 to the present. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 7(3), 356–372.

Beitin, B., Duckett, R., & Fackina, P. (2008). Discussions of diversity in a classroom: A phenomenological study of students in an MFT training program. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 30(4), 251-268.

Bennett, M. (2010). Creating an interculturally competent campus to educate global citizens. Proceedings of the Universidad 2010 7th International Congress on Higher Education, The University for a Better World, Feb. 10, 2010, Havana, Cuba.

Bourjolly, J. N., Sands, R. O., Solomon, P., Stanhope, V., Pernell-Arnold, A., & Finley, L. (2005). The journey toward intercultural sensitivity: A non-linear process. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity In Social Work, 14(3/4), 41-62.

Briam, C. (2010). Outsourced: Using a comedy film to teach intercultural communication. Business Communication Quarterly, 73(4), 383-398.

Coetzee, O., & Cilliers, F. (2012). Humour as defence against the anxiety manifesting in diversity experiences. SAJIP: South African Journal of Industrial Psychology, 38(2), 1-9.

Conway, J. L. (2008). An analysis of intercultural competence training for community college employees. (Dissertation)

Dotger, B. H. (2010). “I had no idea”: Developing dispositional awareness and sensitivity through a cross-professional pedagogy. Teaching & Teacher Education, 26(4), 805-812.

Fowler, S. (2006). Training across cultures: What intercultural trainers bring to diversity training. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30(3), 401-411.

Fowler, S. M., & Pusch, M. D. (2010). Intercultural simulation games: A review (of the United States and beyond). Simulation & Gaming, 41(1), 94-115.

Graf, A. (2004). Assessing intercultural training designs. Journal of European Industrial Training, 28(2-4), 199-214.

Halevy, J. (2007). Shame as a barrier to cultural sensitivity and competent practice. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 19(1), 17-39.

Housee, S. (2008). Should ethnicity matter when teaching about 'race' and racism in the classroom?. Race, Ethnicity & Education, 11(4), 415-428.

Jain, S. (2013). Experiential training for enhancing intercultural sensitivity. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 20(1), 15-20.

Knott, V. E., Mak, A. S., & Neill, J. T. (2013). Teaching intercultural competencies in introductory psychology via application of the Excellence in Cultural Experiential Learning and Leadership model. Australian Journal of Psychology, 65(1), 46-53.

Nikels, H. J., Mims, G., & Mims, M. J. (2007). Allies against hate: A school-based diversity sensitivity training experience. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 32(2), 126-138.

Parent, R., & Varnhagen, S. (2011). Designing a semiotic-based approach to intercultural training. Sign Systems Studies, 39(1), 145-182.

Sparks, S. D. (2012). Simulations help school leaders practice tough conversations. Education Digest, 77(9), 18-22.

Stephan, W. G., & Stephan, C. (2013). Designing intercultural education and training programs: An evidence-based approach. International Journal Of Intercultural Relations, 37(3), 277-286.

Stokes, L. (2012). Animals, salads, orchestras, houses: The do's & don'ts for diversity training. Diversity Executive, 32-35, 45.
Note: Select article title from table of contents provided.

Sue, D., Rivera, D. P., Capodilupo, C. M., Lin, A. I., & Torino, G. C. (2010). Racial dialogues and white trainee fears: Implications for education and training. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(2), 206-214.

UNESCO. (2013). Intercultural competences: A conceptual and operational framework.

Warde, B. (2012). The cultural genogram: Enhancing the cultural competency of social work students. Social Work Education, 31(5), 570-586.

Willen, S. (2013). Confronting a 'big huge gaping wound': Emotion and anxiety in a cultural sensitivity course for psychiatry residents. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 37(2), 253-279.

Winters, M. (2002). Let's stop training and start educating. Profiles in Diversity Journal, 4(1), 16-17, 42.