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Intercultural Competence: Diversity in Higher Education

Selected articles


Banks, J. A. (2012). Ethnic studies, citizenship education, and the public good. Intercultural Education, 23(6), 467-473.

Banks, J. A. (2011). Educating citizens in diverse societies. Intercultural Education, 22(4), 243-251.

Banks, J. A. (1974). Multicultural Education: In Search of Definitions and Goals. Paper presented at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Institute on Cultural Pluralism (Chicago, Illinois, November 17-19, 1974).

Bennett, M. J. (2009). Defining, measuring, and facilitating intercultural learning: a conceptual introduction to the Intercultural Education double supplement. Intercultural Education, 201-13.

Bigatti, S. M., et al. (2012). Faculty perceptions of multicultural teaching in a large urban university. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 12(2), 78-93.

Chang, M. J., Denson, N., Sáenz, V., & Misa, K. (2006). The educational benefits of sustaining cross-racial interaction among undergraduates. Journal of Higher Education, 77(3), 430-455.

Guo, S., & Jamal, Z. (2007). Nurturing cultural diversity in higher education: A critical review of selected models. Canadian Journal Of Higher Education, 37(3), 27-49.

Hammer, M. R. (1984). The Effects of an Intercultural Communication Workshop on Participants' Intercultural Communication Competence: An Exploratory Study. Communication Quarterly, 32(4), 252-62.

Jehangir, R., Williams, R., & Jeske, J. (2012). The influence of multicultural learning communities on the intrapersonal development of first-generation college students. Journal of College Student Development, 53(2), 267-284.

Joseph, D. (2012). Internationalising the curriculum: Building intercultural understandings through music. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 9(1).

Khaja, K. K., et al. (2011). Multicultural teaching: Barriers and recommendations. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 21(4), 5-28.

Lee, T.M.L. (2005). Intercultural teaching in higher education. Intercultural Education, 16(3), 201-215.

Sanderson, G. (2011). Internationalisation and teaching in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development, 30(5), 661-676.

St. Clair, D., & Kishimoto, K. (2010). Decolonizing teaching: A cross-curricular and collaborative model for teaching about race in the university. Multicultural Education, 18(1), 18-24.

Wood, T. E., & Sherman, M. J. (2001). Is campus racial diversity correlated with educational benefits?. Academic Questions, 14(3), 430-455.


Bettencourt, G. M. (2021). “I Belong Because It Wasn’t Made for Me”: Understanding Working-Class Students’ Sense of Belonging on CampusJournal of Higher Education92(5), 760–783.

Prystowsky, R. J., Herrera, J., Crowley, C., Lowery-Hart, R., & Fannon, S. (2017). Grabbing Third Rails: Courageous Responses to Persistent Equity GapsLiberal Education103(2), 44–49


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