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HWS495: Senior Seminar: HWS Research

Sports Marketing and Management: Where to find information

Search Strategies

Make sure to pay attention to subject headings in whatever database you're in. Business and Sports databases may describe something very differently. 

Legal searching is different. You'll want to do some googling to know the names of laws or cases first. Check out HWS 421 for more on that.

Searching SPORTDiscus, BusinessSource, SocINDEX, PsycInfo and CINAHL Complete

Academic Search Premier is a general database that contains both popular and scholarly articles from a variety of disciplines and sources. Great place to start if you need to confirm the viability of a topic.

The tips in this video will apply to most other EBSCO databases as well, including SocINDEX, ERIC, , and more. Subject specific databases like those may have some special features like unique limiters, but otherwise they will function the same way. The name of the database will be listed above the search bar:

How do I retrieve the full-text of an article I've requested?

When you request an article via Interlibrary Loan, we'll send you an email to notify you that the article is available. Sometimes that email may go to a junk folder. These directions will show you how to log into your ILLiad account from the email as well as from the library website to access your full-text. Remember article requests take about two business days on average, and the staff member responsible works 8-5 Monday-Friday.

Exercise Science: Where to find information

Search strategies

When searching for a medical issue like a disease or injury, think about looking up the medical term for the topic rather than just the popular name for it.

Pay attention to the population of the study. How someone reacts to a treatment may vary greatly based on their age and experience in athletics.

Use the subject headings in these databases to help you find the official terms for your topics. 

How to get full text of an article from a database?

Some articles are full-text in the database you selected to search in. Other times it may be located in one of the other 50 databases we subscribe to. Sometimes you'll find a citation for an article we don't have immediate access to; we can usually get you these as well. This service is part of your affiliation with the university; don't ever pay for access to an article. We can typically get it for you. This will show you how to do that.

Contact Becky

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Becky Canovan
Office: L200
Second floor near water fountain