Searching for films related to disabilities requires a little practice, but with these tricks & tips you'll be finding DVDs in no time.
Here are a few guidelines:
- It helps to have an idea of what you're looking for. For example, if you'd like to find a film focused on specific disability such as autism or a specific person, such as "Helen Keller," (remember when putting a phrase in quotes the catalog will look for that exact phrase) start by searching those keywords or phrases. In the Advanced Search, try searching these with the "Keyword" and/or the "Subject" option.
- If you are looking to browse the DVD collection, there are a couple of ways to do this. Again, start with your keywords. For example "mental disabilities."
- Searching this way will pull several formats of resources (books, eBooks, non-print etc.). You will need to limit just to DVDs. You can do this in the left-hand column (as shown below). Right click & "open image in new tab" to enlarge.

Finally, you can also search by subject headings. These are controlled vocabulary used to group similar materials. The subject headings for the selected films below are each listed. Sometimes a film won't have a disability-related subject heading, which is where your keywords will help you. You can search subject headings through the "Subject Keyword" option. Starting with keywords will give you ideas of some potential Subject Headings. See the Finding Resources tab for a more in-depth look at Keywords vs. Subject Headings.