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Reading Resources: Reading Textbooks

Faculty Resources

Abdullah, S., et al. (2012). Reading for pleasure as a means of improving reading comprehension skills. Asian Social Science, 8(13), 233-238.

Gier, V. S., Herring, D., Hudnell, J., Montoya, J., & Kreiner, D. S. (2010). Active reading procedures for moderating the effects of poor highlighting. Reading Psychology, 31(1), 69-81.

Lei, S. A., Rhinehart, P. J., Howard, H. A., & Cho, J. K. (2010). Strategies for improving reading comprehension among college students. Reading Improvement, 47(1), 30-42.

McDaniel, M. A., Howard, D. C., & Einstein, G. O. (2009). The Read-Recite-Review study strategy: Effective and portable. Psychological Science, 20(4), 516-522.

Park, S. (2013). The potential of Web 2.0 tools to promote reading engagement in a general education course. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 57(2), 46-53.

Williams, R., Ari, O., & Santamaria, C. (2011). Measuring college students' reading comprehension ability using cloze tests. Journal of Research In Reading, 34(2), 215-231.

Williams, R. L., Skinner, C. H., & Jaspers, K. E. (2007). Extending research on the validity of brief reading comprehension rate and level measures to college course success. Behavior Analyst Today, 8(2), 163-174.

SQ3R Method

For more on SQ3R, see: Columbia College.

How to Use your Textbook (for something other than a doorstop)

Student Resources

Reading with a Red Pen (Marta Abele)

Strategy presented to many faculty & students by Dr. Abele. Many UD students use this method effectively. Includes key for active reading marks as well as sample reading passages from different disciplines for use to practice the method.