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AVI349: Aviation Safety: In-class articles

Articles for assignment

Databases to find articles

  1. Business Source Premier
    • Database that focuses on the businesses in the aviation field. Utilize for business related information, such as policies, market value, and more.
  2. Academic Search Premier
    • A 'catch-all' database that includes content related to a variety of subject matters. Useful if you're not sure where to start with your research or to narrow down your topic, thesis, and ideas for your research

Searching within a Specific Journal Title

If there is a specific journal title you'd like to search within, here are the steps:

  • Determine the name of the journal you want to find full-text
  • Use the Journal List to see which database the full-text is in
  • Click on the title of the journal you searched (do not click on the title of the database--the search won't work!)
  • Choose "Search Within this Publication"
  • After choosing this, your searches will only find articles published within the specifc journal you searched

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