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ENG 090: Intro to College Writing: Reading and Using Sources

Reading Popular Articles

Source Types

Popular articles

Popular articles are the ones you run into everywhere on the internet: CNN, ESPN, HuffPost, Refinery29, BonAppetit. They're written to inform readers on a topic. They're meant to be read front to back, with the most important information towards the front of the article, after the interesting opening written to catch a reader's eye. Written by journalists, these are written for people interested in the topic, but who probably don't have an academic interest or degree in it, i.e. the general public. They contain stories, facts, opinions, people, and dates. 

Where to Find Sources You Can Use

Searching EBSCO databases

Academic Search Premier is a general database that contains both popular and scholarly articles from a variety of disciplines and sources. Great place to start if you need to confirm the viability of a topic.

The tips in this video will apply to most other EBSCO databases, including SocINDEX, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, and more. Subject specific databases may have some special features like unique limiters, but otherwise they will function the same way. The name of the database will be listed above the search bar: