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BIO205: Nutrition Physiology: Home

Getting Full Text in PubMed

In order to link PubMed to the Charles C. Myers Library's collections, you must access PubMed from this guide, Database A-Z list, or Databases by Subject list.

When you click on the title of an article from the results list, you will find "Full Text Links" to the right of the title. 

PubMed Full Text Links Screenshot

Under "Full Text Links" you will often find a publisher link (which will link you out to the article publisher's page where you will be asked to pay for the full text), sometimes you will find a PMC Full Text link (this will take you to full text in the PubMed Central open source database), and a red circle that says "Find It" (this is the interlibrary loan link, which will either take you to another article UD subscribes to with the full text or a link to request the item through interlibrary loan). If you request an article through interlibrary loan, you will receive a PDF of the article in your UD email inbox typically within 1-3 business days.