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Academic Integrity: For Students

Why should I care?

Credibility: You establish your own credibility as a scholar when you cite your sources and complete your academic work honestly. You also help increase UD's credibility; honest work means that UD degrees are meaningful.

Learning: If you complete academic work with integrity, you are learning what your instructors intend for you to learn. Without integrity, you are watering down the learning experience for you and your classmates.

Fairness: Academic integrity ensures that all students are treated equally and have the same opportunities to learn.

UD Mission: We are called to be Christian witnesses. God calls us to be honest and by his gracious power enables us to have the courage to do the right thing.

UD Policy: Both UD and UDTS have academic integrity policies. Read each in University of Dubuque Student Handbook.


In order to avoid plagiarism, especially of the accidental type, it's helpful to know the different types. Harvard does a great job of describing that and giving an example of how it happens.

Examples of academic dishonesty

"Academic dishonesty is defined as, and is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information, non-permitted collaboration on assignments, and misrepresentation of student status. Knowingly making false allegations of academic dishonesty against any student will itself be considered a form of academic dishonesty." -UD Student Handbook

Examples (not comprehensive)

* Looking at someone's answers during a test
* Having someone else take a test for you
* Allowing someone else to cheat from you
* Borrowing homework from another student
* Using resources (ie. internet, notes, or a textbook) during a test if not allowed
* Misrepresenting someone else's work as your own
* Submitting work for multiple classes unless instructors give specific permission
* Using words/ideas from a source without citing it
* Citing sources you did not use or

* Making up sources
* Falsifying academic records (ie. grades, forms, or signatures)
* Defacing/damaging academic resources, such as classroom property or library materials

Sources: University of Dubuque Student Handbook; DePauw University Academic Handbook.

Wendt Center Videos

Why does it matter in my career?

Academic integrity quotes from faculty

"Is It Plagiarism?" Flowchart

This flow chart is designed for identifying plagiarism in journalism, but translates to academics too!

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How do I ensure my work is honest?

Cite sources appropriately anytime you use the words or ideas that aren't your own. See the Citation Tools research guide for examples. Librarians and Academic Success Center/Writing Center staff can help you learn how to use sources ethically (free!).

Use research guides for suggestions and tools related to specific courses/assignments.

Take advantage of tutoring services for assistance preparing for tests and improving your time management skills. Contact the Academic Success Center for more information or schedule an appointment online.

Check Moodle frequently.

Use your student planner or your Outlook calendar to keep track of due dates and test/quiz dates.

Make use of faculty office hours if you need clarification about course assignments and/or concepts.