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Teaching & Learning Resources: For Students

Resources for faculty & staff development

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Campus Resources for Academic Success

Peer and professional staff are available in the Academic Success Center (ASC), located in the library on the 2nd floor, to assist students to become self-determined, motivated, and independent learners. Subject tutoring is available for most subjects but particularly for business, economics, science, mathematics, aviation regulations, and technology. Additionally, the Writing Center in the ASC can help with all aspects of writing and with particular writing assignments for any course. The writing consultants, however, cannot proofread students' writing. 

To schedule an appointment for subject tutoring or for a writing consultation, please use the online form. A simple registration is required. If you have any questions, please call the ASC at (563) 589-3262.

Skills Tutor is an online self-paced tutorial program available to any UD student. This program helps teach students specific skills related to: grammar, sentance structure, thesis statemants, paragraph composition, and many more. It is an online program and is accessible anywhere with an internet connection. Note that a username and password are required. To receive this and for more information, contact Steve Goerdt in Myers Library 205 or by email at or phone at (563) 589-3218.​

Academic Success

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